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 BPO Elks Memorial Scholarship


The High Prairie Elks Lodge #279 is pleased to sponsor this annual scholarship of $1000.00 to a high school graduate from the High Prairie region who is entering post-secondary studies and has displayed excellence in a combination of academics, volunteerism, and citizenship. Each year the Elks will dedicate this scholarship to the memory of a deceased Elks Brother who unselfishly contributed his time and efforts for the betterment of the High Prairie Community.



Term:              Annually- Submissions by June 1st and Award by July 1st of High School                           Graduating year.


Amount:         One $1000 Dollar Scholarship.


Who:              This scholarship will be awarded to any High School graduate from the High Prairie region who is following his or her career goals and continuing their education by enrolling in post-secondary studies.


Criteria:           33.3% Academics: Please provide copy of High School Transcripts


33.3% Volunteerism and Citizenship: Volunteer work and involvement in both school and community. The selection committee will be assessing applicants, looking for a well-rounded student, so hobbies and participation in sports and extracurricular activities should be listed in the application.


33.3% Interview and Essay (500-750 words) chosen from one of the following themes:


  • How do I plan to further my education?
  • My dream career would be?
  • A topic of interest to the community of High Prairie.


 Selection Committee

  1. Designated Elks Members
  2. Family Member(s) of Passed Elks Brother.


High Prairie BPO Elks Memorial Scholarship Application Form


Name: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

Email: __________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________

High School: _____________________________________

Post- Secondary Program: __________________________

Post-Secondary Institute: ___________________________

Program Length: __________________________________

Intended Career Goals: _____________________________


Academic Achievements: Please provide a copy of High School Transcripts.


Extra Curricular School Activities:





Civic or Community Activities:





Hobbies/ Interests:









I understand that I must meet all of the requirements of the High Prairie BPO Elks Memorial Scholarship before my application can be considered.


Date: ____________  Signature: _________________________


*Note: Please attach essay and High School Transcripts